My best friend Michelle turned 30 this week and we decided to throw her a garden tea party. Always trying to come up with creative ways to throw a party. So this is my lovely attempt at a tea party.
This is a mirror that I painted with chalkboard paint. Makes a great sign or fun custom decor for the house.
We decided to make one long table and we hung cable over it. For hanging decor we found some white fabric and attached it to the cable along with four bud vases with wire. To top it off I added one of my chandeliers (without the lightbulb). It was perfect!
We served cute tea cupcakes/cookies that looked like tea hats, zweibach, chicken salad sandwiches on raisin bread, cucumber sandwiches, and cookies.
Pretty sure most everyone loves chocolate dipped strawberries. I added sugar paper hearts for a little drama.
We had all of our guests wear tea hats. It just isn't a tea party without a tea hat!
We had a picture area with different hats, frames, and teacups. Michelle loves pictures so we had fun!